Behind Made in JLM’s Automatic Job Board

An Interview With Lead Developer Snir Sharristh

Avital Weisinger
Made in JLM Blog


Tell me a little bit about yourself?

I am Snir Sharristh, born and raised in JLM. I am finishing up my 4th year at Hebrew University for Math and Computer Science.

How did you get involved with Made in JLM?

Roy Munin was an officer where I was in the army so when I saw him at a hackathon at Hebrew university we recognized each other and started talking. He told me about Side Project Night and invited me to join next time.

So you went to side project night and created the job board, how did that idea come about?

Well, honestly it was the only open project. Other projects already had teams and I wanted to do this more on my own, so I went for it and tried it out. There was a big learning curve. It is built in mostly python, which I knew but I still learned so much from this project.

Now that the project is up, how do you think it will impact the tech industry in JLM?

There are two main channels that are going to be majorly impacted, the job hunters and the companies hiring.

First, the people looking for employment, everyone does it! More importantly, many people don’t even think to look in JLM because they think there are no tech jobs here, “Everything is in Tel Aviv.” Great, now we have proof of over 700 job opportunities in JLM. Finally, for the job hunters, it is a great way to see all jobs at once instead of going one by one to company job boards.

For the companies, they usually pay lots of money to job boards to put their name up there, we do it for free. It should be an open market on both sides, the employer and the job hunter. A big bonus is, they will now want to bring their companies into JLM because they see the tech hub here growing!

screenshot of the Job Board

The job board was published a few weeks ago, how has it been since the launch?

After the launch, there was close to a 50% growth! We started with 70 companies and we are now passing more than 100. We hope to add a map as to where the jobs are located in JLM and we are constantly growing.

How has it been for you?

I enjoyed it a lot! I feel really good about what I accomplished and learned. It is not just all what I learn in school anymore, I actually have a really impressive project to show for. I am most proud of the effect my project has made on the lives of people in JLM and especially the tech scene here.

Check it out here:



National Service at Carmel 6000 | Programmer | Advisory Council Member at Girls Who Code *Originally from NJ, full fledged Israeli now*